
Members bring in their fry to assist in obtaining BAP/HAP points, to share fish and earn a little cash. A small amount is donated to the club for each item sold. Our members bring working equipment and healthy fish.

Please read and follow the auction rules:

1. KWAS will retain 25% of the item(s) selling price
2. One lot per member in attendance. Family memberships are entitled to 2 lots only if both members are in attendance.
3. Only KWAS members in good standing may sell items. Guests are allowed to sell items however; KWAS retains 50% of the selling price
4. Please do not bring more than 3 of any one item
5. Fish must be properly bagged and may be refused if not done so. NO TWIST TIES OR SANDWICH BAGGIES.
6. Label the condition of any mechanical items.
7. Proper identification of all fish and plants is required
8. All items must be registered before the start of the meeting
9. The decision of the auction chair person is final.

If you have any questions, please email them to the executive team at

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